52 Coffee Tree Road, Broken Bow, Oklahoma 74728


52 Coffee Tree Road, Broken Bow, Oklahoma 74728 – MLS #963818

52 Coffee Tree Road


3200 Square Feet

Land Area (acres): 0.870

5 Bedrooms

5.2 Bathrooms


This new modern style construction cabin will have 5 bedrooms, 5. baths, and 2 half baths with a loft and bunkroom. The three-level luxury cabin will have on the first floor 2 bedrooms, living, kitchen, and dining space, the second level will have 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and a large spacious loft. The third level will have the large bunkroom, and the 5th bedroom with a bath. The lot has a nice peaceful and tranquil feel and has approx. .87 acre. This beauty will make you feel like you are truly in a mountain cabin. Call for more details. Note The builder will not allow any offers until its 50% completed and no changes are to be made by buyer.


Balcony Covered Deck Fire Pit Hot Tub/Spa

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